Project 366- May 18, 2008

Sunday, Sunday, full of rain day. Tori and I didn't make it to church this morning. Joy had to leave at 10:30 for a bridal shower in New Jersey. I said good bye to her and then prepared for my own departure. Yesterday the plan was for Travis and Michelle to come all the way to Lancaster to get me. They called at about 9am to say they had left too late for that to happen. So Tori and I packed up in her Tracker and headed off in the rain for some unknown meeting place.

It was really raining, almost to the point of getting off the big highway. We had a great time chatting, listening to music and watching the rain come down. Hehe, then we missed one of our turns:) Instead of turning around and back-tracking 20+ miles, we opted for a round-about scenic route. It was beautiful! We drove down a smaller highway through the tall trees and cute little towns. Part of the time we were driving along a river too!

Finally we found the town Travis and Michelle were eating their picnic lunch at, and found the correct side of the river that the park was located. I'm so glad to have such great friends. Thanks Tori!! I love you!

Ansel is so precious!!! I got to ride in the back with him:) He did great in the car. We stopped in Corning, NY for supper at a cute little pizzaria. After a stop at Target in Buffalo, it was "home" sweet home.



  1. yeah! I enjoyed my time so much too! It was such an encouragement seeing you! I need to stay better in contact with you, my friend. I blame myself :(


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