Project 366- June 11, 2008

I go to sleep tonight feeling as though I've accomplished something, that God was glorified and filled.

This morning was our Bible study and it proved to once again be a great time of fellowship, discussion and digging into the Scripture. I left a few minutes early to go pick up Brenna who was at horse practice.

We lunched at the infamous Emily's and stopped into Kid's Kloset where mom and I both found a good buy! Mom and Quinn then headed to do some errands and home while Brenna and I went to the Fairgrounds.

Today as a part of the June Jamboree program, Lisa was doing pottery painting. I took Brenna so that I too could get some pottery painted. Our ladies group at church does a prayer partner swap and we made mugs to exchange for that. Some ladies do not have a mug and so I volunteered to make some for them. Today was an opportunity to do just that.

I walked into the building and Lisa instantly said she'd forgotten the mugs. Understandably so since they had a horse-related accident right as they were walking out the door to leave. Praise the Lord no one was hurt seriously although Clara's back is in some pain:(! Amelia's lunch was left in the shuffle as well so I volunteered to run out to their house and collect:)

I got two mugs finished and they turned out better than I expected. I hope the ladies like them. Back at the "ranch" it has been cooking and tidying up for Bunco. I did slip out and plant the carrots, radishes, and some lettuce though. Good day and tomorrow is Bunco! Hurray!


P.S. Lookie, Daddy got "Georgies" too!!


  1. If I didn't know better, I would think you are turning in to quite the little gardener!


  2. well, you don't know better! She is turning into quite the little gardener!! And she hoes weeds too, yippee!!!! (And brings strawberries home to plant, yum!)

    Love you guys, and can't wait to see you (counting the days!)
    Love, MOM


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