Project 366- June 7, 2008

Ahh, Saturday! We cleaned today and cooked some too! Tonight was my BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! I invited the Hajdas, Uncle Dan and Aunt Beth and Grandma over for supper and dessert. We had such a lovely time together. Praise the Lord for friends and family who love and care about me.

We ate burgers and hotdogs for supper, along with several salads. The kids had a splendid time running and playing hither thither. I think every time I saw the girls they had on a different dress up dress. Quinn and Peter however, hardly stirred from the Playmobil location:) I shared my pictures from the east coast trip with Amelia, Clara, Jacob and Tim. I love pictures:) It brings me such happiness to remember fun times.

Lisa had found a new game at the city-wide garage sale today. She brought it along and some of us tried it out. Hmmm, it was an interesting game of Truth and Fib. Clara and I aren't very good at the fibbing part. I don't know that I'd ever want to play the game again, correctly. I did however like hearing people telling stories of things in the past...the true ones in particular.

We of course had to troop them all down for a tour of the school. It is so fab, I love our school:) My goodness, when we left the little girls had to almost be PULLED off the stage. They sang, danced, marched and made theatrical entrances the entire time we were in there. We were quite loud and either that or a visual of us caught the neighbors attention. She called to tell us someone was in the school:)

Mom made a yummy oreo and chocolate cake which was sooo good. It went so well with the ice cream. YUM! I can't believe why people don't like birthdays. Clara made me this AMAZING birthday card!!! It was a historical marker all about ME! I still am amazed by it. Personalized gifts are my fave, knowing people took time and put thought into it. Uncle Dan's was personalized too and I must admit it was clever. He framed some personal ads from the rural electric magazine and put a "There Might Be Money" note on it. They were ads from 70+ year old men:S Still, it took thought and effort = good gift:)

Hurray for a happy birthday!



  1. Oh I am truly ashamed of my father! EEEKS! Just remember the motto, we only tease those whom we love. I'm beginning to think he loves you a bit too much!


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