Project 366- July 24, 2008

I've had short hair several times in my life and yet I was a bit surprised at how easily I fell into this hairstyle. It doesn't feel weird. I'm really not planning on leaving it this length, you know cut it off and grow it out...that is my motto:)

My car went into the "dr." Monday. I need my water pump replaced, but they can't work on it until the end of next week. car for me. Such a debilitating feeling, no longer having a car. I live in such a spoiled society. Yikes.

I got to talk to Shilo, and hear Titus in the background, while working at the GC. It was really good to chat with her. I miss her so:( I also got to read more of my book, hurrah. I enjoy reading. Mom was my ride for the day and that means Pizza Hut for lunch and early off work for club. We had a swell time.

Today was the judging and styling for 4-H sewing projects. Brenna did a pillow, needle book and decorated a purse. I think she had fun today. They style show was probably her biggest concern and she did just fine. On the way home the conversation went like this:

"Mom, do I ever have to do a style show again?"

"I don't know, we'll see."

"Because I want to, I want to make a dress and wear my hoop skirt!"

So cute!



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