Project 366- July 27, 2008

Sunday morning for Jesus! Robin Mark and Lost and Found led our family in worship as we drove to town for church. It was a wonderful time, singing praise at the top of our lungs! To God be all glory and praise!

This was our week for church in the park, and it was a warm one. Two people gave their testimonies. I love hearing how Christ has moved in the lives of those around me. It is neat to see what you don't know about these people you've known for so long. I think we should have testimonies given more often:) Aren't these two Hajda girls adorable?:)

After enjoying our potluck and chatting amongst dear ones we headed home. The heat, humidity and the fact that it is Sunday dosed us all up with drowsiness. Dad, mom and I all crashed once we got home. I snoozed as long as I could before feeling guilty enough to go mow the yard. What a glorious relief it was to climb in the swimming pool after that job. We ALL got in! Oh what a sight that must have been. Good reason to live in Berwyn;)



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