Project 366- August 12, 2008
Today's Project 366 picture is from one of our activities; and the kids went to the library after they were finished and I walked down to join them after my meeting. Brenna loves books. Whenever you can't find her, she is sitting somewhere completely engrossed in some story.
Quinn enjoys the pictures alot. We'll see later on down the road how he feels about the reading part;) Isn't his fedora cute?! I couldn't pass it up and besides I was buying Brenna and I hats. They are on strict orders not to leave their hats on the floor or they become MY possessions.
This is the fat, library cat. I don't know its name and it doesn't really look that big in this picture. I must admit it isn't too fat, just large. Hi kitty, kitty!
This afternoon I resumed work on a project for Ansel. It has now been deemed Ansel's 1st birthday present. And since his parents may look around here from time to time, I'll only tell you it has something to do with buttons and I used my Pfaff 1222 to work on it:)
Tonight mom and I headed out for a ladies night. Carrie and Angie had a MaryKay Hairy Legs Party. I enjoy those ladies so much, we had a fabulous time shaving our legs together and trying out all the lovely products Buffi brought to share.
We each have our struggles and I often forget about mine and listen to others. I hate seeing people I care about suffer. I really don't like it when I can't do anything about it. The only thing to do is to take it to the Lord in prayer. And honestly, that is the best thing to do for He is in control, He knows every corner of the situation and He takes care of His children. God bless my friends.
The cat's name is T.L.C...yup, "The Library Cat." :-)