Project 366- August 2, 2008

I slept like a rock last night and I actually woke up feeling rested. Not that it was a dreamless heavy sleep...that rarely happens. It was a strange one. I dreamed that mom and I were once again going to Uncle Ted's funeral, but it was really far away. We stopped at a store in Iowa and one of my managers from high school was running it...with his wife. I then left mom there at the store, where they threw a large potluck bash for us, and went on to the funeral alone:S Strange, so strange.

Brenna entered her 4-H cooking this morning. She made some adorable little puppy cupcakes and I believe I saw a purple ribbon hanging on them:) I didn't get in on any of the cooking adventures since I worked yesterday. It all turned out nice though, such a good mom we have. I love you mom!!

We nabbed Margaret and Clara to get the horse stalls partially decorated. It was so fun, can't you tell?:) The red, white and blue theme turned out very nice. Just enough to look nice and not get gaudy.

Hehe, we dropped the girls off only to get them back less than an hour later. Clara and I wanted to go to the ranch rodeo, but first we all went into Kids Kloset on a mission. I needed a dress for the wedding next weekend. We succeeded and on a low price even! Hurrah.

The ranch rodeo was by no means crowded, but I really enjoyed it. I love time with Clara too, so that helped;) The most exciting part of the rodeo was when one of the wild milk cows knocked through a gate and then jumped over a fence into a pen with about 30 large bulls...just to escape being roped and milked. Crazy! Hehe. Then to top the evening off, we went to the Custer County Parade! They moved it to Saturday evening from Sunday afternoon and boy was that a good idea. It was roasting hot today and by 7:30pm it wasn't too bad.



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