Project 366- August 22, 2008
Project 366 picture of the day is the lovely Sandhills Scenic Byway Interpretive Center. I'm actually excited for it to be finished and open, just curious to see what they'll have inside. It looks sharp, they just finished the paint job. I'm biased though, because I LOVE barns!
I worked alone today. Marci has been told by the doc to take it easy until el babo comes. I must admit my morning was not a cheery one, I just got perturbed too easy. Hmm, I hate it when that happens. It was just a day of pet peeves. One being, people telling me how to do something I always do, they know I know how to do it and I've been doing it right all along:S Sorry for the vent, it happens.
I was quite busy at work though, between patients, the #1 priority obviously, and entering past information into our program. We have it fixed now...I hope. I rushed home from work, threw on some different clothes and hopped in the van with mom. Tonight was our church ladies monthly gathering. I'm so glad we had such a scenic drive over to the Uhlig' was therapeutic. Praise the Lord for the beauty of Nebraska!
Hehe, check out all the birds on the wire. Love it! We watched a Christian comedian DVD and had some laughs. I finished the quilting on my purse. It amazes me how different we all are. God is amazing!
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