Project 366- August 23, 2008
Yesterday was Grandma's birthday. Grandmas are hard to buy gifts for, but this year she made it easy on us. She didn't want anything but our time and effort, some help around the place. The beckon went out and we arrived upon the scene.
Hehe, her dog got a new do and is hardly recognizable from what it was before. She is shaking her head here as if to say, "I'm worth it!"
Mom and Brenna helped Grandma in the house, Dad mowed the lawn as well as picked up branches with me, and I, I was allowed to peruse through Grandma's shed. Let us enter into that domain:
There were treasures galore! I was instructed to look through things and find stuff to sell at the Junk Jaunt. I'm sure most of the things I found will sell and perhaps at a fairly good price. Project 366 picture: A window with a view? This old typewriter was my Grandma's, Granny gave it to her when she was young. It needs cleaned up first. Hehe, I moved it a bit and then it proceeded to squeak at me...mice? There is no question about mice. I came face-to-face with at least 3 and yes I squeaked right back.

This next find I just thought was humorous:) Just indulge me as I chuckle over this aged...contraption:) Hehe, chortle, chortle, snort, snort! Okay, I'm alright now.
Grandma also provided us with some more tables for the Junk Jaunt. Mom had to do a bit of dusting on this one. It has seen cleaner days.

When we got home I was beat, dirty and tired. The kids however, in their matching overalls and bandanas, had plenty of vim and vigor. They wanted to have a bike race and I was invited to take part. I, being the charming sister I am, indulged them. I had to ride Brenna's bike and it was fun! I won a few times and let them win a few too. Felt good to feel the wind against my face.
There were treasures galore! I was instructed to look through things and find stuff to sell at the Junk Jaunt. I'm sure most of the things I found will sell and perhaps at a fairly good price. Project 366 picture: A window with a view? This old typewriter was my Grandma's, Granny gave it to her when she was young. It needs cleaned up first. Hehe, I moved it a bit and then it proceeded to squeak at me...mice? There is no question about mice. I came face-to-face with at least 3 and yes I squeaked right back.
This next find I just thought was humorous:) Just indulge me as I chuckle over this aged...contraption:) Hehe, chortle, chortle, snort, snort! Okay, I'm alright now.
Grandma also provided us with some more tables for the Junk Jaunt. Mom had to do a bit of dusting on this one. It has seen cleaner days.
Did she let you throw anything away? That would be the real question worth asking. I have a bookshelf from that shed that I claimed as payment for the air conditioner we gave her. (When we moved into our house, there were two window air conditioners. We already had one so that meant three air conditioners. More air conditioners than people....) Anyway, it was pretty dusty but with a little paint and some chicken wire it holds my DVD's wonderfully.