Project 366- August 5, 2008

Pig tooshie, tooshey, tooshy. Not real sure on the spelling of that one. We all had today off:) The kids, mom and I went into the fairgrounds and took care of Peanut in the a.m. Today was the open show for anyone. Brenna wasn't interested and I haven't ridden enough to justify possibly making a fool of myself.

I had a lazy day in between runs to town. I got my back worked is it gonna be sore! Once dad got off work and got the cow milked we came in to see the other animals at fair. Mom nearly snuck off with a cute little jersey. She was awfully precious! We also saw the swine, and I couldn't resist snapping a pic when mom pointed out their little pink, pig tooshies:) Haha.

We ran into a guy from the past! One of Travis's good friends from waaaaay back in the day. It was really good to talk with him, he's moving to BBow soon too! Travis and Michelle...that means another visit:) I love you guys and miss you like crazy:(

Happy fair dreams!



  1. tushie, dear!
    Had a blast tonight, such fun at bunco!
    Love, MOM

  2. tushie, dear!
    Had a blast tonight, such fun at bunco!
    Love, MOM

  3. so silly, how did i leave 2 comments?
    And Kayla, it was NOT hot at the free BBQ, lovely weather for fair actually.

  4. The pig tushies (Firefox tells me it should be "tushes") were worth all the hype. ;-)

  5. Okay okay. It was not hot. That should be counted as a miracle!

  6. LOL! Hahaha! Those pink pigs (and their tushies ;-))!

    Jenny, who has officially stopped being a stalker now ;-)


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