Project 366 picture: I was sick all day. Started bright and early at 6am:S The kitties kept me company most of the day on the couch. I watched the kids do school. Feeling better now tonight, but not 100%.
UPDATE: Several people have asked about this rug. One specifically asked about how I folded my prairie points. So here are some step by step pictures. I started with a 4 inch square. Fold that square in half diagonally. Fold the point up away from the fold at the center towards the other side. Fold the other side up across in the same way. A friend sent me a picture on facebook of a rug. It was a cute rug she saw at a newborn photography class. I took on the challenge of recreating that rug. I was a bit surprised to not find anything like it online. I did finally find a variation of prairie points to use when folding and ironing. I did a lot of folding and ironing. I took 4 inch squares folded them in half and then folded the sides overlapping to create more of an acute angle to the triangle. I started with a 30 inch circle made from some denim and just started sewing them on...around and around. I was amazed at how many times...
I made this scrappy rug back in 2016 for a childhood friend who does fabulous photography! Check our her work: or on Facebook . She was able to put it to use for this precious baby photo shoot! After she posted it another friend of mine saw it and requested a pink, cream and gray rug for her coming granddaughter! Thanks so much for the shoutout Katrina! It was already a week or so into January and she wanted it by February I got crackin'! You can see how I made the first one HERE . It is fun to see these last photos in a row and watch it grow. I'm not a big pink fan, but I did end up having plenty of pinks for this rug. Not having to go buy fabric sped up the process. I want one for myself now! So fun! I struggled to get the center right once again. I sewed it into a swirl thinking it looked a bit like a rose. The gal who ended...
I don't have any project finishes right now but I was pretty busy getting this project done! Introducing our newest little blessing! We are so thankful for him and for his safe, smooth arrival. He is super chill little dude and is so alert when he is awake! Big brother is also a major fan!! So, I will get back to the sewing, quilting and knitting projects eventually but this one was too, too good not to share!😁 Alissa Linking up with Alycia at QuiltyGirl ! And TGIFF !
I'm sorry you're not feeling very good, Alissa! :-(
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon!