Project 366- September 29, 2008
Picture Post!!!
Today was the homeschooling field trip to the SCARECROW PATCH!!! I took the day off, I love the Scarecrow Patch and today was fab!
Launch that pumpkin Quinn!
Family picture time...I think next year we better take the picture right when we get there rather than when we leave:)
Rachel is so excited she can hardly contain herself. I played with Quinn and Vanessa once in the corn wagon. I 
played in it with Charlotte a lot too. You know what that means...lots of corn in my pants:S
I was Charlotte's stand-in sister today. We had loads of fun sliding, playing in the corn, pumping the water ducks, ziplining and much more!
I was Charlotte's stand-in sister today. We had loads of fun sliding, playing in the corn, pumping the water ducks, ziplining and much more!
Project 366 picture is our "sister" picture;)
The kids were racing back and forth over these bales which were a new addition to the Scarecrow Patch this year. I love this one as Kelsey and Brooke strive to finish first.
AW! You're being such a good big sister to my little sister! I miss you both!