Project 366- September 9, 2008
The kids were great and really applied themselves. They did so well that we even got to watch a short video. I was so hungry when we got done. Mom thought it was my turn to take us out for I did.
We went to Tumbleweed. It was so delicious! I had kind of forgotten the stares we get in public during the school year. The kids look out of place in the middle of the day and I forget:) I totally almost killed a waitress:S I spilled Brenna's water and the other waitress didn't quite get it all wiped up. Around the corner came another and woosh she went sliding. The only losses ended up being 2 french fries and a piece of toast.
Project 366 picture: After lunch we went to the library. It was so peaceful having the entire children's room to ourselves:) Mom and I popped into the book sale room too. I found a few treasures.
Tonight I've been in turmoil on the inside. I've gotten my mind all worked up about something and it totally affected my day. Everything just seemed off. I had to stop sewing this afternoon because I just kept redoing my mistakes:S Sheesh! Lord, give me strength and wisdom.
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