I had to scrape my windshield this morning. Tis a bit brisk out there now in the early morning hours. Actually it was pretty crisp out all day. I got to play with kids at work. They were sweet, such a perk.

Look what I found on my bed when I got home. And...he was not alone, there were two of them and they were purring up a storm.

Since the weather has changed, we must once again seriously work on getting wood for the wood furnace. Dad filled up a load in the back of the pickup this afternoon. I backed the pickup up, threw it out of the truck, tossed it down the chute and stacked it back up again in the furnace room. Whew, my back is reminding me to slow down or something like that.
Project 366 picture:
Lydia and Peter are hanging out with us for a few days. Lydia was so excited to help me throw the wood down the chute. She did it like a pro too:) THANKS LYD!
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