Project 366- October 3, 2008
Project 366 picture: Look what I found at work!! Ahhh, PRAYING MANTIS!

I don't know why, but I didn't think to try and catch him. He was kind of freaking me out, the way he moved around and stuff. The kids made me take a jar back with me after lunch, but he was gone.
I went into Custer County Implement today...never done that before. Who knew that it was like a real store in there?! I got the gas cap dad ordered for the lawn mower and some oil. Amazing, that in our small community there are still things to be learned and new things to see:)
Check out how green it still is! The corn fields have mostly turned, so they're not green but it is still fabulous here.
Tomorrow night is the 4-H club's trail ride. We took the group of horses out for a test run around the alfalfa. I rode Doc. Look at us go:)
I don't know why, but I didn't think to try and catch him. He was kind of freaking me out, the way he moved around and stuff. The kids made me take a jar back with me after lunch, but he was gone.
I went into Custer County Implement today...never done that before. Who knew that it was like a real store in there?! I got the gas cap dad ordered for the lawn mower and some oil. Amazing, that in our small community there are still things to be learned and new things to see:)
Tomorrow night is the 4-H club's trail ride. We took the group of horses out for a test run around the alfalfa. I rode Doc. Look at us go:)
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