Project 366- October 9, 2008
Tuesday I never made it down to the school to scrape, so I did this afternoon after work. I scraped for over 2 hours. I also made up a possible kitchen plan for the other classroom:) A girl can dream can't she?
Check out how much I've gotten done! Nearly 5 ft from one end to the other of the long side. Hurrah!
Mom dug up 2 rows of our DELICIOUS Yukon Gold potatoes. Quinn got them all piled up in a "mountain". He sat down in the cart next to them so I could take a picture and...the cart tipped him over backwards:S We had a good chuckle about it and he set to piling the potatoes up again.
Tonight was one of my favorite monthly activities! BUNCO! Yvonne was hosting and we went to her workplace to party. It was such a loverly time. Yummy food, fab company and prizes. Project 366 picture:
Okay, so I didn't win a prize. I did get 2 Buncos though...see the pretty Bunco necklace?
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