Project 366- November 13, 2008
This morning I got up in time to make myself some yummy, cinnamon vanilla cappuccino. I bundled up, right on time and headed out to my car. The sky was a lovely pink and blue. I made sure to snap a few pictures of it. Lovely, no?
I hopped in my car and the day "began":S My car was dead. For some reason, if it doesn't get started every day or has a low battery and won't start. Now I was late and I had to run inside and get the van keys to jump her. I've become a pro at jumping my car!

Isn't this a cool old sign? I took a picture of it when I took Dr. Hackel back to the tire place. Crazy morning at the office:)
Once I realized there was nothing to be done tonight, but get a grip...I headed outside to help dad. Hungry, Peanut? Hehe, she is expecting the new hay bale. I can see it:)
Go daddy go! Let's try again is a brand new day. I also have it off since Dr. Hackel is gone:)
Work was a bit disjointed as well. Dr. Hackel had to leave right after lunch for St. Louis. Our first break in the morning consisted in me following him to the tire place and taking him back to work. I got through that and started in on what I needed to get done. Then Connie and her granddaughter stopped in so she and Dr. Hackel could finish something that needed sent off. For some reason, this time it threw me all off. I couldn't remember what I needed to get done and when I did...I couldn't focus.
At home it unfortunately got worse. Everything was hitting me wrong. I got on my new laptop and did some stuff, moving files and such. Then I tried to check my email. The internet was a no go. I tried everything I know how to do and then finally called a friend. He walked me through tons of stuff without any success. My last option was to call Dell support:S I decided to wait until tomorrow. Tears were too close for me to go into it tonight.
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