I spent my morning finishing this masterpiece:) It is my momma's new purse! You are looking at the exact same pattern as the ONLY purse I sold at the Junk Jaunt. Mom likes it, that's good. We only had to redo the handles once;)

It was a good day, but a short one. All too quickly it was time for supper and Tag Team. Mom wowed us with a delicious shrimp scampi!! It was s yummy. We'll definitely have to do this one again.

Brenna got some new clothes from Trav and Michelle for her birthday. She was excited to show them off at Olympians. She looks so grown up!

And here is my Project 366 picture: We have this large area rug that we use for our group. We meet in a concrete room so the rug is necessary. Afterwards, however we must roll it up and put it away. They are all such good helpers!

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