Project 366- December 19, 20, 21, 22, 2008
So, it is the Christmas season and I am behind. Here are the last few days at a glance:
Friday December 19, 2008
Here are some results of last night's snow. I worked all day...a busy day with lots of schedule changes, holidays do that.
I came home just in time for the MOPS steering team Christmas Party at our house. I changed clothes, nibbled some food and propped myself up in the corner. Tonight I got another major migraine headache and nausea.
Saturday December 20, 2008
Well, we did a lot of cleaning this afternoon. The kids were great about helping each other recover their rooms from the children explosion we hosted last night.
I worked hard to finish some more Christmas stuff up. This evening we had our work Christmas party at our house. It was a nice time all together as families. Gracie had a good time:) My migraine was threatening to come on this afternoon so I took some migraine headache medicine. Unfortunately, that didn't settle well with my stomach:S
Sunday December 21, 2008
Today was a whirlwind. We had to be at church by 9am for the kids to practice their program which commenced at 9:30. After the program we enjoyed a breakfast together. I sat with Gus and Quinn who offered many funny faces for my camera:) Then we had our regular church service. Our family opted out of potluck this week in order to spend the afternoon cutting wood before going back to church for caroling. Whew! I'm beat, BUT the first night without a migraine!!!
Monday December 22, 2008
Monday December 22, 2008
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. I got there to find that Connie wasn't feeling well. She left.
Back at the ranch for lunch I learned that Brenna was sick:( I don't want to get sick!!! Maybe I was sick when I was having migraines, who knows.
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