Brenna the Artist:)
I have some of the most talented little siblings! I'm so in awe of them sometimes. God is so amazing! Brenna is our little authoress, just ask her. She says she wants to be famous for her writing someday. I really believe she might be, as long as she doesn't give up. She writes and writes and writes, along with reading. Some of her stories just need a bit of polishing and WOWZA!
Today she wanted to paint. I went to the school to read the meter and brought back the easel they were using down there. It still needs a tray to hold her paints so we just set her up in the dining room and let her use the table.
Quinn is equally as talented and has such a tender heart. He was a bit upset as he watched Brenna paint. "Brenna is the best painter and the best writer, what am I the best at?!"
I can't wait to watch them blossom more. Quinn is getting close to knowing how to read all those letters in books. Our house might be a quieter place once that happens. Most of the noise is made in trying to find Brenna. She's always off reading or writing quietly:)
Today she wanted to paint. I went to the school to read the meter and brought back the easel they were using down there. It still needs a tray to hold her paints so we just set her up in the dining room and let her use the table.
Thanks for all the pics, it is great to see them growing through your images!