Fall Walks.
The kids and I went for a loverly walk in the crisp fall air the other day. I had to go up the hill 3 times before we started. First, there were some other people at the park so we decided to go around town first. Next, the cat was following us and Quinn had to go to the bathroom. Finally, the dog was following us and I had to chain her up. THEN, we went on our walk:)

We walked all the way to the bridge.

Some of the last sunflowers were out.

We walked all the way to the bridge.
Some of the last sunflowers were out.
We also found a "patch" of wild cucumber. They are such cool little torpedo like things.
The poor sign...Quinn pushed it down with his sheer strength;) Haha, just kidding.
Berwyn now has a new and improved playground!! They removed all the playground equipment from behind the school before selling it to us. It has just been sitting in a pile since then. Someone took the initiative and has got it all up and running except for the weird slide which is in progress.
We're super excited to have a park/playground just down the hill!!
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