Sunday was our church's "Christmas Sunday." It started with the children's program. Aren't they some good looking kids. (Please ignore that Brenna and Quinn are not decked out in Christmas attire...:S)

They all did a very nice job and sang so well.

This is the first year that Quinn truly participated. I was so glad he was able to sing and even have a few lines. It was a stretching experience for him.

Brenna, as always, sand loud and strong. She loves to sing and her unashamedness about it causes everyone to smile:)

Lydia was sporting her new glasses. Don't they look great!?

The full schedule of Christmas was with us on Sunday. After the kids sang we ate breakfast, regular church, potluck lunch, free movie at the theater, home to do chores, back to town for church caroling and soup supper! Whew!
Merry Christmas!
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