Oh, Christmas Tree...

Haha, I know, I know that is not a Christmas tree. This first picture is for Kayla. Here is how small the little squeakers are (in comparison to a VHS tape): This week we took an evening to decorate. I must admit, this year the kids did most of the work. They were so excited to do it too! Quinn woke up that morning, asking if it was time yet!

Here is the "final" product. I say "final" because I don't think it was actually done yet:)
Here are our stockings!!! Wish we could all be together for Christmas.
Enjoy these joyous season and remember why we celebrate.


  1. Ahhh, thanks for thinking of me!

  2. Wait a minute, how am I going to get my presents out of my stocking?

    Do you remember the "extra stocking" Christmas?


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