Fort Robinson, Land of Many Markers!

Going on a historical marker hunt is a bit like playing "I Spy". In this version, however, there are only two things you are looking for, an actual marker or one of these lovely blue signs. Fort Robinson wins the award for most markers in one place...16 are listed. Yeah, wow. Sadly we only found 12:( Oh, snow.
It was a very barren place, to say the least.
Some of the ones we didn't find sounded really interesting too. I could cheat and look at the website to read what they say, but I must wait for another opportunity.

We were searching in all possible places. Clara checked out the stone monument...not an official marker.
Do you like my paper signs and how I kept forgetting to get them out? :)
I hadn't realized that Fort Rob was in operation even during WWII. Hmm.
Hehe, this made me chuckle. "...the social life was comparable to any large city such as Boston or Washington." :)

And they just keep did the snow.

It really got cold. So sad too, if it hadn't have been snowing we would have pursued those final 4 markers until we discovered their whereabouts!
This final marker was still in Fort Robinson State Park but outside of the area with the buildings. I saw my very first bluebirds in the trees there. Cool, huh?


  1. The social life of Boston, eh? Woo-woo!

  2. I just love you, Alissa Slagle. You are such a good friend.


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