We dyed eggs.

Quinn lost a tooth and made a grotesque face.

We had fun.

I made my first strawberry pie.

I made devilled eggs.

There were only two to egg hunt.

They didn't mind being the only two to bring in the loot;)

I got Curious George fruit snacks from Gma. I think Curious George is ADORABLE!

So are baby calves. (They bawled on command...open the door, MOOOOO)

Dad and Dan oversaw a game of lawn bowling.

There were many "land mines" in the game. The loser then had to pick them up after the game. Hint: The land mines were left behind a pooch;)

Jared and Grandma surfed the web. Genealogy.

Dan tried to sell this scooted to Quinn.

Mom and I quilted.

Brenna gave foot massages...and a few tickles :)

We had a blessed Easter.
How about you?
Dye-ing eggs is so much fun. I tried to make some homemade dye with food coloring and the effects were...interesting. But it was neat, overall, and I got Steve-the-Non-Crafty involved. We figured that next Easter we will have a 10 month-old. Eeps. Should we let him/her dye eggs?