Junk Jaunt and Drudgery
This past weekend was the Junk Jaunt. We had stuff in the school. I worked.
I did some bonding with this little peanut:) She's trying really hard NOT to smile. Haha!
I also picked up a new Bible, an Oswald Chambers devotional Bible. I'm super excited about that treasure. Here is a bit from today's reading, really hit home.
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." --Genesis 2:7
"Drudgery is the outcome of sin, but it has no right to be the rule of life. It becomes the rule of life because we ignore the fact that the dust of the earth belongs to God, and that our chief end is to glorify God. Unless we can maintain the presence of Divinity in our dust, life becomes a miserable drudgery. If we live in order to hoard up the means of living, we do not live at all, we have no time to, we are taken up with one form of drudgery or another to keep things going." --Oswald Chambers
C. is soooo cute!