This evening while Brenna and mom were in town for Brenna's dance lessons and dad was picking up a load of panels, Quinn and I made this:
And this:

He then got into the spirit of things and decided to make our evening meal a grand affair.

He loves to make "menus" for each person.

After we had the table set, the menus in place and the food almost ready he ran and picked out attire for the meal. And not just for himself, he laid out clothes for mom, clothes for dad and clothes for Brenna:) He didn't get me any, too worried about the wolf spiders being in my closet:S

It was delicious:) We even had homemade root beer! It was our activity for history today. We actually tried out two recipes and this was the first one. Tomorrow we will see how the other batch turned out.
That's great Alissa! How fun to do something like that with your brother! I thought it was cute how he made the menus, and even laid out clothes for everybody! ;) Wow! (btw, I have to ask if everyone changed into the clothes he picked out for them, hehe) I always enjoy your posts. Keep shining Alissa! :) You have a great testimony! -Rachel