One Fine Day

On another fine day...before the snow, I headed outside with my camera.
Now, this time of year is not by any means colorful in Nebraska. I don't mind the brown because it makes the transition to green that much more beautiful. But, it does leave something to be desired in taking some pictures. I wanted some color. And so...despite my repulsion for fowl:
The silly things are a splash of color and there was a fence between us:)
There are buds on the trees...once again this was before the snow.
The horses were not impressed with the camera.
Until I got closer. "Hey, whatcha got there?"
The kids were pretending to be Lewis and Clark, such imaginations!
Here's to many more fine days.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Hmm...we may have to buy a copy of that bravely-captured chicken photo for the bakery! :-)


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