The flowers were out in stunning form on Easter morn.

Mom hid some eggs for these "little kids."

Dad had to work, so he missed out on a wonderful Easter morning service at Comstock. He, I and the kids went to the Good Friday service though. Easter morning Brenna and I sang in a small ensemble for special music.
We spent the afternoon at my aunt and uncle's. True to the awkwardness of my life in 2011, my old boss and his family were there for Easter dinner. No offense to them or my extended family for inviting them...just awkward!

Since there were no other small children there, Jared got to join in the Easter egg hunting. I may have picked up a few as I took pictures too;)

It was a quiet, relaxing sort of afternoon for the most part.
Some of us did enjoy a rousing game of Mexican Train Dominoes.

Mom and I also played us some Blokus.

Hey guys!

I love spending Easter with family.
I'm so very thankful for what Easter really is, not eggs and candy, not bunnies and chicks.
It is the day we set aside to celebrate our risen Savior, the way, the truth and the life!
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