Mom requested a trip to Tiede's Secondhand and Antique Store in Overton for this past weekend. I readily agreed, so many treasures:)

We packed ourselves a quick picnic lunch and headed out. We didn't really have a plan for our picnic stop. We made it as far as Oconto.

The junk store was fabulous and we found many treasures. Mom bought two card tables for $5/a piece. They are good, sturdy ones. I bought her one a few years ago for $60 w/chairs and the silly table is already broken:S

Shilo and I already got this marker, but who could drive right by?!
We then drove on to Kearney for some deliveries to Quality Sew & Vac.
Mom's vacuum and Aunt Gladys had to stay for awhile.

We bought some ice cream and then headed to Yanney Park as a treat to the kids for driving and driving:)

There were wedding preparations happening and pictures being taken. We had to sneak through as they were on the bridge. Funny, I went to high school with 3 of the groomsmen!!

Brenna and I made it up the tower. Quinn was NOT interested.
The labyrinth wasn't so daunting.

After saying farewell to the swan and the cranes, we headed out for home.

My loot from the junk store:

Quinn got a bow tie, a briefcase that has combination locks on it and a cane.

He is so spiffy, he even took it all to church yesterday:)
Love the biscuit cutter! i'm assuming that's what it is...