Just For Kids?

My sister-in-law, niece and nephew are here!
Saturday we headed to the nearest children's museum for a fun afternoon. (By the way, why are they called children "museums"? Poor kids go to a real museum and they'll want to play with the exhibits:S)
We had a great time! Here is the doctor at work:
Here we have the local firemen saving the day!

The baker was in town also.

My niece is soooo close to walking. She had a ball too!

I wanted to share something I learned while at the children's museum. People don't just go so their children can enjoy...they really want to be a kid again and PLAY!

I have photographic evidence to prove my point. Michelle caught me being batman:

She was caught having fun with the ball ramps:)

Nana liked the ball ramps too, they were a fun challenge for us older folks.

Hehe, the rest of these pictures are of other unsuspecting adults. One was interested in the solar system.

This cool dad was getting into the art department. Another one fell to the calling of the ball ramps.

What man doesn't want to play with the firetrucks?

And this was my favorite. These two unsuspecting mothers were having so much fun figuring out the peg maze in the toddler area!

So, the moral to this post is that you never know when you are being watched or photographed;)



  1. Those ball ramps rock! I could have spent all day right there! :)


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