Our 4th 2011
Here are a few shots from our fabulous, family 4th of July!
Big Dog is shown here making an artistic marshmallow roaster from a metal clothes hanger.
We had a watermelon smashing good time. Think pinata and insert a watermelon and a bat instead of the pinata and a stick:)
Even the "big kids" took a whack at it. Travis was able to give it the final crushing blow!
I had to do the chores before we headed out to hear my other cousin announce a rodeo. This involved a cart ride:)
Grandma bought some of the GIANT marshmallows to roast. Wow, they made big smores!
We took a little drive in our multiple vehicles to go to the rodeo. I love the greenness!
Yeehaw! Rope that calf, cowboy!
He's having a great time!
This little guy won the mutton bustin' event. They had to pry him off of the somewhat calm sheep:)
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