Our 4th 2011

Here are a few shots from our fabulous, family 4th of July!

We were joined for the day by my cousin and her husband, along with their two little ones.

Big Dog is shown here making an artistic marshmallow roaster from a metal clothes hanger.

We had a watermelon smashing good time. Think pinata and insert a watermelon and a bat instead of the pinata and a stick:)

Even the "big kids" took a whack at it. Travis was able to give it the final crushing blow!

I had to do the chores before we headed out to hear my other cousin announce a rodeo. This involved a cart ride:)

Grandma bought some of the GIANT marshmallows to roast. Wow, they made big smores!

We took a little drive in our multiple vehicles to go to the rodeo. I love the greenness!

Yeehaw! Rope that calf, cowboy!

He's having a great time!

This little guy won the mutton bustin' event. They had to pry him off of the somewhat calm sheep:)

My two siblings and nephew took part in chasing the calves around. Quite a herd of youngsters out there. My nephew was wearing boots much too large for him and was a bit behind most of the herd. Poor guy didn't give up though:)

Isn't my little friend, precious:)?! She spent most of the evening in my lap. Fun times!



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