County Fair 2011
Here is the county fair run-down in a few pictures.
Brenna styled her knitted scarf at the annual 4-H fashion show.
Next came the Fair Parade. It was fun for young and old.
I enjoyed seeing a few of my Super Kids Club kids in the parade. It is about time to resume that job.
Much candy grabbing was done by all:)
Brenna showed her hermit crabs and cat at the Small Animal Pet Show.
Quinn loved the fair for its ability to give him time with his friend, Frazier! They managed not to get lost upstream this year;)
Monday night was quite hot, but we still made it out to the free pit bbq. Hello, more cute little friends.
Sadness, trains are close by.
Dad, the kids and I stayed around for the bullriding. Hmm, lots of cowboys.
I personally thought the "funny man" was a bit too much of a distraction. We came to watch the bullriding after all.
Check out the amazing female participant!! She was awesome:)
Hehe, the oreos were good!
Hahaha, my poor sad bebe.