The Giving of Thanks and Eating of Food.

Our Thanksgiving started out a bit unlike planned.  My big brother and his family were late arriving due to some of his health issues.  They drove in the afternoon before Thanksgiving only to have a different "hiccup."  My niece was running a very high fever, so they dropped my nephew off and headed straight for the doctor's office.  A didn't mind:)
 My poor niece had to spend the night in the hospital:(  Boo on that.  Not the setting you want to say howdy to your family in. 
 We hosted Thanksgiving; it was a lovely day!
 We borrowed a pony from some friends since our horse Peanut has moved on to a new home.  It was pony rides all around:)

 My niece's fever broke and remained low enough that they were able to get to our house in time for Thanksgiving dinner.  Hurray!!
 My younger brother and his wife even made it up from Lincoln for the day.  I love my siblings, each and every one!
 It is always nice to see the family all together.  Moments were bittersweet as we celebrated and laughed, ate and chatted at our first holiday without Uncle Dan.  He was greatly missed.
 I love having time with Travis and Michelle home.  I am so blessed to have a big brother.
 This little gal was still a bit lethargic, but got better as the weekend progressed.
 She even played with cousin Big Dog!


  1. :)

    Love you, it was great to be there,


  2. that first pic is Ansel???!!! Wow, he is big! And so is his sister! Thanks for sharing--what a wonderful time for your fam to all be together.

    Sadly I won't be in Bow for Christmas. My mom's dad is doing really poorly where they live out here in Baltimore, so my fam is celebrating over the first time in YEARS! SO, thankfully I don't need to fly...after flying so many times this fall. I'm sad I won't see you again at Xmas...and who knows if I'll get back to Bow before I head out in the next few months. I hope I can see you before I go...but just wanted to let you know...

    MUCH LOVE friend!!!!


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