A Day at the State Capitol.

The Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association hosted a legislative day at the state capitol this past week.  Mom decided that the kids are now old enough to attend.
 It was a foggy morning and we couldn't even see the towering capitol building until we were nearly there.  We did find it though, can you see the excitement it held for mom and I!?
 First on the agenda was the opportunity to watch the unicameral legislature of our state in action.  Hmm, not terribly exciting.  It was, however, interesting to hear them discuss and such.
 One senator even had on a bow tie.  How adorable!  Ironically, when we went into the other chamber to hear from some senators and other officials, he was the first we were to hear from.  What a blessing it was to hear from people in our state's government who desire first to follow the LORD.  Many thanks to Senator McCoy, Senator Fulton, and the others who shared with the group.
 The capitol building is such a grand structure.
 Hehe, and it has lovely old-fashioned-ness:)
 There are parts that make me think of a grand castle and make me want to move in!
 This is the ceiling in the chamber which is no longer used for legislature.  I once spent a week there during City On A Hill.
 We were able to go to the top and look out this time.  I'd never gotten to do that before.  Mom was pumped.  It took some coercion to get Quinn out, but he did it!
 Do you see "Occupy Lincoln" down there?  They even have a tepee.

 Finally, we ended our day with a fabulous tour full of lovely interesting facts.  I love Nebraska, and I'll admit to tearing up once or twice as she shared with us some of the history involved in this building and the building of our state.



  1. It has been so long since I have been to the capitol! It is so beautiful. Nice to 'meet' a fellow Husker blogger! :)


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