The Christmas Tree Adventure of Two Sisters
A week or so ago, on our way home from church we drove down our "pretty road" and searched the area for possible Christmas trees.
We noticed a bit of a color difference this year, all connected to our current drought I'm sure.
The cedars are very blue.
They are filled with berries.
Well, we haven't been able to find time for the entire family to trek out and get our tree.
So last night I decided that Brenna and I could do it on our own. Quinn was sick on the couch, he gave us his blessing ;) Out we headed, with a saw, a minivan and a mission: Get a Christmas tree!
We found a few. This one won.
I wish we had video footage of the actual cutting. We had to hold onto opposite ends of the saw and do some major pushing and pulling. So much laughter and crazy hollering was to be heard. Then I pushed the tree over...right onto Brenna, oops :)
It was crazy-fun sister time.
The tree couldn't have been any longer or it wouldn't have fit in the van.
Brenna tried to lean the seat forward from behind. She got caught on the headrest and went flying into the back of the other seat. More giggles ensued.
Yay! It fits!
And we got it all done in the few minutes before sunset.
Nice work! Glad to see you were victorious in the end.