The End of Round One!
After driving around Burchard, I came to another Burchard Cemetery and looked up a few more distant relatives. Then it was on to Pawnee City. There too, I stopped at the cemetery. I found two Skidmores listed but never was able to find the actual graves. Crazy.
There is a fallout shelter in Pawnee City in the building located behind the historical marker...just in case anyone is worried.
After my great-grandma died, my great-grandpa sold the farm and moved to Pawnee City.
I found a quilt shop in Pawnee City. It is located in this old church. I looked around a bit, but didn't find anything I couldn't live without :)
Next, twas on to Humboldt, NE. Another sweet little small town with a fun square.
Moving onto bigger places, I headed to Auburn. Doesn't Nemaha county have a beautiful courthouse!?
Then I headed to Talmage. Not much there anymore, however I nearly got run over by a semi headed to the grain bins!
Next up was a scavenger hunt in Nebraska City. This was to be my second attempt at getting the markers in Nebraska City. What a maze it was to find them! This one was the worst. I didn't think I'd found the correct marker but I took a picture anyway. Came home and looked it up to find that it is indeed what I needed!
This is the Mayhew Cabin.
This was the "easiest" spot to find in Nebraska City. The rest left me with an unfavorable taste in my mouth. I was ready to leave, the streets and directions were CONFUSING!
Hehe, can you tell I was tired. I don't think it helped that I woke up at 4:30am and was driving non stop all day :)
Finally found the Arbor Lodge.
I guess it was quasi-illegal...I don't have a park sticker on my car. I went in anyway.
The last marker of this metropolis was on the edge of town. Peace.
I almost missed this one too, but thanks to my research on google maps I found it along Hwy 2.
The day just got better and better even though I was super tired. Not only did I actually find ALL the intended markers, my grandpa's farm and grave, but I was blessed to go to a free JJHeller concert that evening! Woot, woot!
Mom, Brenna, Nicole (sweet friend who is jumping into homeschooling) and I went out for supper and then enjoyed worshiping together in this beautiful church with JJ.
Hehe, but that is only day 1!
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