A Week With Our North Carolina Loves

My brother and his family came for a week! It flew by.  It is hard to just pick a few pictures, but I tried :)
There was a mashed potato mishap, which will be a fun family joke for years to come.
 A birthday with cousins!  Look at that little guy's grin!
 Grandpa got in some croquet with the kids.
 Ignore the scary face on the left, but I had a lovely time fort-hopping with this now 8 year old.  Can't believe how grown up he's become.
 A wagon trip down the hill to see the newest fort.
 So cute.
 Sorry for the blur, but I had to show some evidence of the games played.  Rummikub with Grandma :)
 Horses, horses, horses.
 Another birthday to celebrate! We only had a 6 candle, so we made everyone do math...6 + 2! :)

 She's the loveliest :)
 This little guy and I were twinsies for our day out.  Hurray for Curious George!
 Brown-eyed beauties.
 The "real" grown ups...no idea where I fit in to this ;)
 Soccer with Scotchie!
 There be the bike rider...
A week is never long enough.


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