Christmas In So Many Pictures!
Christmas season began with wrapping gifts in really good wrapping paper!
We made treats, the oreo balls were Brenna and I's favorites.
Mom, the kids and I participated in a assisted living Christmas party. We picked names of some of the residents and brought them gifts. I picked this spunky gal who always brings a smile to my face!
We had some friends over a few nights, I only managed to get pictures of the one event though.
We played To Bethlehem!
She really is a fabulous little sister :)
There was a yule log for Christmas Eve, the gift that keeps on giving....
We opened our gifts that night since Dad had to work Christmas morning.
For Christmas day Dad put on his new things, new flannel shirt, new long underwear, new hat and even his new headlamp!
Grandma was decked out for the occasion.
Thanks to Jared, we discovered some new projectile launching devices. I think they are almost better than nerf guns. Needless to say, they didn't stay back in the toy room. The adults had too much fun with them!
Someone's present was wrapped in yarn...hehe.
We are all so lucky to now sport cool shades for Jared Slagle Announcing!
What goes around, comes around...I got a bird. It is attached to my boot. Such a funny guy, that Derek!
My family also gave me a new sweater..."I'm not short, I'm elf sized." So appropriate!
Christmas evening it snowed so beautifully.
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