Finish It Up Friday...Scrabbling Prizes

I hosted our Bunco group this week.  That means I get the prizes.
I had no ideas at all, until I saw a bag of Scrabble tiles in the basement. Hmmm...
 Pinterest was my friend and I had fun making a dishwasher sign.
 A key chain.  It was awarded to a very sweet young lady who subbed for us.
 A coaster set.
 A picture frame.
 I had to rip a page out of an old music book for this one.  There was enough depth to this matting that I was able to fit the words under the glass.
This is one of my favorites.  I wall/door hanger reminding us of the reason for Easter and the way for us to truly live...because He lives.  Happy Easter!



  1. Wow Alissa! For someone with "no ideas" you sure came through in a big way!! They are all terrific and such fun!!!

    1. I just needed something to set me off in the right direction :)

  2. cute! The water coaster made me smile - we are always reminding my grandma to drink water (plus she has post it notes that say 'water' all over her house - not that they do any good...) She drinks so little water (or any beverage) that I'm honestly bamboozled as to how her body can function. Whatever the reason, I am glad to have her around as long as possible!! (She'll be 90 in a month)
    My favorite is the choose joy - the combination of the words and the music page is spot on. I'm sure the ladies that won prizes were quite pleased with their little treasure :-)


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