A Summer T-Shirt Quilt Finish
It seems like in recent years many of my quilts or projects are gifts. I can't always share right away. This finish is one of those instances. A friend asked me to put her daughter's t-shirts into a quilt. She planned on giving it to her for her upcoming birthday...a few months ago. I just plum forgot to post it!
T-shirt quilts with tons of shirts stop me from too much pre-planning. I just cut the designs out and start putting them together. Somehow they all get fit in there without looking weird.
This was definitely a case of tons of shirts!! It was a fun mix of colors and sizes too!
I tried a few new things with this one. I actually did some partial seams with rectangles to create a larger rectangle.
I did a black and white polka for cotton for the border. As you can see this was before Miss Vivian arrived at out house so I had to pin baste the old fashioned way.
Here is the finished project! I like how it turned out!
There were still too many shirts and one left that had signatures all over it so I pieced them into the backing. It was a little tricky getting the diagonal in but I am glad I went for it! For the quilting I went simple. I just zigzag stitched on each seam.
Another fun finish full of memories!
What a fun fabulous quilt!
Awesome job! I like how you fit more shirts on the back in a fun way!