Temperature Blanket of 2023

Last year I decided to jump on the temperature blanket wagon.
I chose a Caron brand yarn, got all my colors chosen and knitted away.
When I went about trying to find a good website to tell me the temperature for each day I didn't want to just do the high for the day. Silly me, always making things more complicated! Haha!  Instead I chose to do one half of the row with the low for the day and the other half for the high temperature.
First I started out doing two rows for each day. My first stitch I used was the seed stitch and I quickly realized that at 2 rows a day this afghan would be ginormous! One row it was!
So, doing the same stitch for an entire year sounded mundane. I decided to do a different stitch for each month!
January and July:  seed stitch
February and August:  linen stitch.  This stitch was by far, my favorite!
March and September:  one row stitch
April and October:  cross stitch
May and November: garter stitch
June and December: bamboo stitch
And here she is!
It was the only project I knew where it was and could work on it while we were living in the cave of a basement. I am quite impressed that I finished this the first week of the new year!  I like it but I am not sure it's done.  the strings where each high and low met are loose on the back as is a fringe along the edges where I switched colors.  It covers the top of this queen bed, bigger than I intended. I had an idea of layering it on some lightweight denim and turning it into more of a quilt than an afghan but we shall see.
Ahh, such pretty colors!  It was a fun project but I am not doing another one this year.  However, January would be an interesting month with all the sub-zero temperatures!  Haha!

Linking up with Alycia at QuiltyGirl and TGIFF!


  1. What a fun way to do a temperature blanket!!!! I like the way all the colors flow - can you imagine tho if you had stuck to two rows a day.... you'd need a HUGE bef!!!!

  2. It's beautiful! I love the idea of using a different stitch each month. The variation is so fun.


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