Impromptu Adventure
I had an extra day off last week.
I was supposed to have jury duty, but it was cancelled the day before.
I decided to go on my very own adventure;)
Aunt Gladys had a case of the runaways. If you plugged her in she simply took off:S
We had planned on a friend picking them up, but I decided to use my free day to do so.
I also looked into a few historical markers to be found. Yay!
You'll see by the sign that I had to travel through Odessa.
The markers I got were both at interstate rest areas.
They were on opposite sides so I had to do a bit of a loop in order to get them.
You know, on the interstate, off the interstate, back on the interstate and off again...
Hehe, for the second one I had to hang my camera out of a tree...upside down.
I brought my gorilla pod along, but it didn't work with these markers tilted to the sky.
Luckily enough there was a nice tree right in front:) The first one had a trashcan.
It was a very wet day.
This is how it was most of the day, when it wasn't pouring.
I had a few more markers in mind, but had to cut it short.
I did have the final day of Super Kids Club to come home to.
And as I came home the skies cleared a bit.
And then the storm clouds followed me home:)
I also looked into a few historical markers to be found. Yay!
You'll see by the sign that I had to travel through Odessa.
They were on opposite sides so I had to do a bit of a loop in order to get them.
You know, on the interstate, off the interstate, back on the interstate and off again...
I brought my gorilla pod along, but it didn't work with these markers tilted to the sky.
Luckily enough there was a nice tree right in front:) The first one had a trashcan.
This is how it was most of the day, when it wasn't pouring.
I did have the final day of Super Kids Club to come home to.
And as I came home the skies cleared a bit.
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