The End of the Year!
Another perk to having my niece and nephews here over Thanksgiving was being able to make things for them. Its hard to gauge sizes across 2 states.
My grandma came over one day while they were here. She always brings something with her. This time she brought a nightgown, a pink nightgown with cats on it. She mentioned Brenna or I could use it, haha. Siena was in the room and she presently announce that it was HERS.

So I took that nightgown and cut it down to size. I made it into this cute little swing skirt. She got her pink kitties after all.
Another day found us wandering about in the local thrift store. We picked up a women's skirt in this floral material. Michelle asked if we could make a dress out of it for Siena. And so, after multiple attempts...some of which I believed were the end of this dress:
I made several gifts for Christmas this year. One gift I made involved commissioning. A dear lady sent me a link to a purse/bag her daughter liked and asked if I could make it. Hmm, I'd give it a go.
It was a success. I did make a trial bag and therefore I too have a new purse.
She loved it, hurray! That and I successfully drafted a pattern from a picture without too much trial and error.
I did a terrible job of photographing the gifts I made this year. The only one I seemed to manage was of my Husker/Runza quilt. I made this one for my cousin. You see, after multiple years of working at Runza and buying Husker t-shirts each season, I was bogged down with Husker shirts. This is my solution!
I also made a sock dog, Scrabble tile coasters, "Granny" aprons, and another gift for another post.
Well, this is the last post of 2012. I'm supposed to say something insightful, I think. (wink, wink)
I will say that 2012 has been a year of struggling through knowing my purpose. Not anything terribly new in the past few years of my life. I admit I didn't share these troubles with many, knowing they had heard it all before. I'm at peace. I had been so blessed by this year's "ministry." By sending out a simple card of encouragement each day to a woman in my life, whether near or far, friend or stranger, my cup has been filled. The Lord has used these little cards in big and small ways.
I still have many, many more on my list and so in 2013 I will continue.
I still have many, many more on my list and so in 2013 I will continue.
Happy New Year!!
Love you!